Devotees whirl their head as a ritualistic performance during the annual Jhiri Fair at Kanachack village, outskirts of Jammu, India, Monday, Nov.14, 2016. According to the villagers, the fair is held in memory of Baba Jitu, an honest farmer who killed himself since he was not prepared to submit to the unjust demands of a landlord who wanted him to part with his crop. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)
Devotees whirl their head as a ritualistic performance during the annual Jhiri Fair at Kanachack village, outskirts of Jammu, India, Monday, Nov.14, 2016. According to the villagers, the fair is held in memory of Baba Jitu, an honest farmer who killed himself since he was not prepared to submit to the unjust demands of a landlord who wanted him to part with his crop. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)