Visualize a futuristic version of a character inspired by Mr. Terrific from DC Comics, specifically portrayed as a Black person. The character is a genius inventor and athlete, wearing an advanced suit that enhances his natural abilities. The suit is sleek, functional, and designed for agility, featuring black and white colors with a modern 'T' symbol illuminated on it. His mask is high-tech, possibly with enhanced vision capabilities. He has a confident and ready-for-action posture, demonstrating his intellectual and physical prowess. The background is a futuristic laboratory or command center, showcasing advanced technology and screens. The color scheme of the image includes black, white, and metallic tones, emphasizing the character's sleek and intelligent nature.
Visualize a futuristic version of a character inspired by Mr. Terrific from DC Comics, specifically portrayed as a Black person. The character is a genius inventor and athlete, wearing an advanced suit that enhances his natural abilities. The suit is sleek, functional, and designed for agility, featuring black and white colors with a modern 'T' symbol illuminated on it. His mask is high-tech, possibly with enhanced vision capabilities. He has a confident and ready-for-action posture, demonstrating his intellectual and physical prowess. The background is a futuristic laboratory or command center, showcasing advanced technology and screens. The color scheme of the image includes black, white, and metallic tones, emphasizing the character's sleek and intelligent nature.