Imagine a futuristic version of Mary Marvel from DC Comics. The character is depicted as a vibrant and powerful superheroine, with a suit that reflects her magical powers. The suit is a high-tech version of her traditional costume, maintaining the red and gold color scheme but with modern enhancements. It includes sleek, advanced materials that shimmer with energy, symbolizing her connection to magic. Her cape is reimagined as a high-tech fabric that flows elegantly and possibly glows with magical energy. Her posture is confident and heroic, showcasing her strength and grace. The background is a futuristic cityscape, illuminated by bright lights and advanced technology, reflecting her role as a guardian of the future. The color scheme includes bright reds, golds, and whites, emphasizing her iconic look while highlighting her futuristic and magical aspect.
Imagine a futuristic version of Mary Marvel from DC Comics. The character is depicted as a vibrant and powerful superheroine, with a suit that reflects her magical powers. The suit is a high-tech version of her traditional costume, maintaining the red and gold color scheme but with modern enhancements. It includes sleek, advanced materials that shimmer with energy, symbolizing her connection to magic. Her cape is reimagined as a high-tech fabric that flows elegantly and possibly glows with magical energy. Her posture is confident and heroic, showcasing her strength and grace. The background is a futuristic cityscape, illuminated by bright lights and advanced technology, reflecting her role as a guardian of the future. The color scheme includes bright reds, golds, and whites, emphasizing her iconic look while highlighting her futuristic and magical aspect.