Envision a realistic and futuristic version of a character inspired by Felix Faust from DC Comics, displayed in a full-body portrait orientation. The character is known for his dark sorcery and quest for arcane knowledge. His futuristic look should meld traditional mystic symbols with high-tech elements that suggest an advancement in magical arts. The suit or robe could be a blend of archaic robes and modern, technology-enhanced fabrics, with glowing runes or holographic incantations. His posture is that of a sorcerer, with a confident and ominous presence. The background should reflect a mystical yet technologically advanced setting, such as a lab where magic and science intersect. The color scheme should be dark and rich, with hues that suggest otherworldly power.
Envision a realistic and futuristic version of a character inspired by Felix Faust from DC Comics, displayed in a full-body portrait orientation. The character is known for his dark sorcery and quest for arcane knowledge. His futuristic look should meld traditional mystic symbols with high-tech elements that suggest an advancement in magical arts. The suit or robe could be a blend of archaic robes and modern, technology-enhanced fabrics, with glowing runes or holographic incantations. His posture is that of a sorcerer, with a confident and ominous presence. The background should reflect a mystical yet technologically advanced setting, such as a lab where magic and science intersect. The color scheme should be dark and rich, with hues that suggest otherworldly power.