Generador de Imágenes IA v1
Estilo: Arte Conceptual-Color de Aceite 04
Arte: 4%
Proporción: 3:2
Cavaleiro 950A
Hello everything is fine? Sorry for the delay, look, I'll try to help in this regard. Well, you can put it like this, “A young couple is flying in a balloon happily, in a beautiful blue sky” or “A young couple is flying in a balloon looking at a landscape” and similar suits. I generated three images, as you put it, and they gave very cute and beautiful images.
Wygeneruj obraz w stylu malarza Zdzisława Beksińskiego. kobieta w sukni ślubnej w kolorze czerwonym. Stare Miasto w Gdańsku. Wykorzystano duży telefon i asymetryczny obraz. Po prawej stronie obrazu st
Generador de Imágenes IA v1
Estilo: Arte Conceptual-Color de Aceite 04
Arte: 4%
Proporción: 3:2
Cavaleiro 950A
Hello everything is fine? Sorry for the delay, look, I'll try to help in this regard. Well, you can put it like this, “A young couple is flying in a balloon happily, in a beautiful blue sky” or “A young couple is flying in a balloon looking at a landscape” and similar suits. I generated three images, as you put it, and they gave very cute and beautiful images.

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