Superhero inspired by Xbalanque, the other half of the Maya Hero Twins. His full-body suit is imbued with the cool energy of the moon, granting him heightened senses and the ability to become nearly invisible in the night. His boots allow him to leap great heights and land silently. His weapon, a boomerang shaped like the crescent moon, returns to his hand after striking and can slice through the darkness itself. Colors: moonlight silver, twilight blue, and starlight white, full body.
Superhero inspired by Xbalanque, the other half of the Maya Hero Twins. His full-body suit is imbued with the cool energy of the moon, granting him heightened senses and the ability to become nearly invisible in the night. His boots allow him to leap great heights and land silently. His weapon, a boomerang shaped like the crescent moon, returns to his hand after striking and can slice through the darkness itself. Colors: moonlight silver, twilight blue, and starlight white, full body.