Supervillain inspired by Jafar from "Aladdin," reimagined as a master of dark magic and manipulation. His full-body suit is a fusion of royal robes and mystical armor, adorned with arcane symbols and a serpent motif. His staff, now a conduit of dark energy, can conjure illusions, control minds, and unleash devastating curses. His presence exudes an aura of menace and power, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. Colors: red, sushi green, and alpine gold, full body.
Supervillain inspired by Jafar from "Aladdin," reimagined as a master of dark magic and manipulation. His full-body suit is a fusion of royal robes and mystical armor, adorned with arcane symbols and a serpent motif. His staff, now a conduit of dark energy, can conjure illusions, control minds, and unleash devastating curses. His presence exudes an aura of menace and power, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. Colors: red, sushi green, and alpine gold, full body.