Supervillain inspired by Dr. Facilier from "The Princess and the Frog," reimagined as a master of dark voodoo magic and deception. His full-body suit is a stylish blend of a classic suit and mystical symbols, pulsating with dark energy. His shadow, now a sentient extension of himself, can manipulate and warp reality to his whims. His talisman, a source of his power, allows him to summon spirits and cast curses. Colors: voodoo purple, shadow black, and trickster silver, full body.
Supervillain inspired by Dr. Facilier from "The Princess and the Frog," reimagined as a master of dark voodoo magic and deception. His full-body suit is a stylish blend of a classic suit and mystical symbols, pulsating with dark energy. His shadow, now a sentient extension of himself, can manipulate and warp reality to his whims. His talisman, a source of his power, allows him to summon spirits and cast curses. Colors: voodoo purple, shadow black, and trickster silver, full body.