Superhero inspired by Prince Eric from "The Little Mermaid," reimagined as a daring sea captain and protector of the oceans. His full-body suit is a modern naval uniform merged with diving gear, equipped for underwater and surface combat. His trident, a gift from the sea, controls water and summons sea creatures. His leadership and bravery make him a respected figure on land and sea, fighting against those who threaten the marine world. Colors: ocean blue, commander gold, and voyage red, full body.
Superhero inspired by Prince Eric from "The Little Mermaid," reimagined as a daring sea captain and protector of the oceans. His full-body suit is a modern naval uniform merged with diving gear, equipped for underwater and surface combat. His trident, a gift from the sea, controls water and summons sea creatures. His leadership and bravery make him a respected figure on land and sea, fighting against those who threaten the marine world. Colors: ocean blue, commander gold, and voyage red, full body.