A superhero named Spectral Guardian, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of phthalo blue, highlighted with metallic orange accents on the boots, gloves, and chest emblem. The cape and gear details are dark greenish-brown, adding an earthy tone. The design conveys energy manipulation powers, with parts of the costume glowing when energy is absorbed. The superhero has an athletic build and a determined expression, embodying agility and strength. The setting is a cityscape at night, adding a dramatic backdrop.
A superhero named Spectral Guardian, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of phthalo blue, highlighted with metallic orange accents on the boots, gloves, and chest emblem. The cape and gear details are dark greenish-brown, adding an earthy tone. The design conveys energy manipulation powers, with parts of the costume glowing when energy is absorbed. The superhero has an athletic build and a determined expression, embodying agility and strength. The setting is a cityscape at night, adding a dramatic backdrop.