In the heart of a temperate forest, with tall trees with robust trunks and a ground covered with dry leaves and moss, a small stream of clear water lazily flows between the stones. Beside the stream, a primitive shelter, constructed from skillfully stacked logs and branches, stands out. This refuge is protected by a layer of leaves and tree bark, evidencing the work of a true nature survivor. A few meters from the shelter, in the outdoor area, a lit campfire illuminates the area with a warm yellow light, the flames casting intermittent shadows that dance to the rhythm of the crackling fire.
In the heart of a temperate forest, with tall trees with robust trunks and a ground covered with dry leaves and moss, a small stream of clear water lazily flows between the stones. Beside the stream, a primitive shelter, constructed from skillfully stacked logs and branches, stands out. This refuge is protected by a layer of leaves and tree bark, evidencing the work of a true nature survivor. A few meters from the shelter, in the outdoor area, a lit campfire illuminates the area with a warm yellow light, the flames casting intermittent shadows that dance to the rhythm of the crackling fire.