In a surreal landscape, a massive and formidable rogue pilot and inventor known as 'Skystrike' stands proudly. He takes down massive aerial clouds and takes over the earth with its powerful powers. With expert tools and weapons, he commands the armada armed with advanced drones. He clings tightly to his blades and extracts the remaining resources that the rogue's crew cradles. This unique combination of power and grace, the rogue's explosive abilities have earned him a large amount of cash. Vectra's mission is to thwart his schemes and ensure the safety and freedom of the skies for all. This extraordinary mission will enable the creatures to take their share in the impossible.
In a surreal landscape, a massive and formidable rogue pilot and inventor known as 'Skystrike' stands proudly. He takes down massive aerial clouds and takes over the earth with its powerful powers. With expert tools and weapons, he commands the armada armed with advanced drones. He clings tightly to his blades and extracts the remaining resources that the rogue's crew cradles. This unique combination of power and grace, the rogue's explosive abilities have earned him a large amount of cash. Vectra's mission is to thwart his schemes and ensure the safety and freedom of the skies for all. This extraordinary mission will enable the creatures to take their share in the impossible.