make an exterior shot As the sun begins its descent over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the vast expanse of Bahariya Oasis, the tranquil ambiance of "Sands of Serenity" emerges. The exterior shot captures the essence of harmony between man-made elegance and natural beauty, showcasing the Telal Lodge in its picturesque setting. add lighting and materials. spa design
Edificio Público,Anochecer,Egipcio Posmoderno,Brutalismo Nórdico,Modernismo Vernáculo,Postmoderno Italiano
make an exterior shot As the sun begins its descent over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the vast expanse of Bahariya Oasis, the tranquil ambiance of "Sands of Serenity" emerges. The exterior shot captures the essence of harmony between man-made elegance and natural beauty, showcasing the Telal Lodge in its picturesque setting. add lighting and materials. spa design
Edificio Público,Anochecer,Egipcio Posmoderno,Brutalismo Nórdico,Modernismo Vernáculo,Postmoderno Italiano