A unique and captivating photo of a carb-genie, crafted entirely out of millions of stacked orange slices. The crab-genie stands majestically, emanating a warm, golden glow. Its arms are suspended gracefully, and its face is intricately carved from the orange slices, giving it an almost lifelike expression. The background is filled with various items and objects related to the genie's world, such as a golden lamp and a magical scroll. The overall atmosphere of the image is enchanting and mystical, with a touch of humor and creativity., cinematic, photo
A unique and captivating photo of a carb-genie, crafted entirely out of millions of stacked orange slices. The crab-genie stands majestically, emanating a warm, golden glow. Its arms are suspended gracefully, and its face is intricately carved from the orange slices, giving it an almost lifelike expression. The background is filled with various items and objects related to the genie's world, such as a golden lamp and a magical scroll. The overall atmosphere of the image is enchanting and mystical, with a touch of humor and creativity., cinematic, photo