In the heart of the iconic Lichtenstein Castle, the city skyline is a sight to behold. The stone structure is awash in crystal-clear water, and the sun's rays pierce through the water. A small boat sails by, but when it suddenly is about to sail down into the harbor, it seems like a king of the world. The water is still and calm, save for the occasional ripple that clings to the bridge. A group of pigeons can be seen pecking at the surface, and a group of cyclists can be seen taking pictures. In the distance, the glowing sun beats down on the scene, casting long shadows across the city. It's a sight that can be found in a dreamlike world, where people and architecture have formed an enchanted world.
In the heart of the iconic Lichtenstein Castle, the city skyline is a sight to behold. The stone structure is awash in crystal-clear water, and the sun's rays pierce through the water. A small boat sails by, but when it suddenly is about to sail down into the harbor, it seems like a king of the world. The water is still and calm, save for the occasional ripple that clings to the bridge. A group of pigeons can be seen pecking at the surface, and a group of cyclists can be seen taking pictures. In the distance, the glowing sun beats down on the scene, casting long shadows across the city. It's a sight that can be found in a dreamlike world, where people and architecture have formed an enchanted world.