A captivating 3D anime-style poster featuring the four women, standing in a natural harvest season setting with ripe crops and golden fields. Elly with brown-red hair in a high ponytail, wears white marble armor adorned with glowing blue bioengineering circuits. Moni, with light blonde hair in a messy updo, exudes confidence in her gold bralette and white marble armor with blue-glowing circuits. Tanya, with straight hair in a blend of dull blonde and barely noticeable black, dons rectangular purple-tinted sunglasses, a white top with pearl-like accents, and white marble armor with blue circuits. Joy, with long black hair and large bunny ears, sports a crescent moon design on his, 3d render, all girls sticking out tongue, dark fantasy
A captivating 3D anime-style poster featuring the four women, standing in a natural harvest season setting with ripe crops and golden fields. Elly with brown-red hair in a high ponytail, wears white marble armor adorned with glowing blue bioengineering circuits. Moni, with light blonde hair in a messy updo, exudes confidence in her gold bralette and white marble armor with blue-glowing circuits. Tanya, with straight hair in a blend of dull blonde and barely noticeable black, dons rectangular purple-tinted sunglasses, a white top with pearl-like accents, and white marble armor with blue circuits. Joy, with long black hair and large bunny ears, sports a crescent moon design on his, 3d render, all girls sticking out tongue, dark fantasy