In the heart of a lush green forest, a wooden house nestled against the backdrop of the pine-tree hill. The exterior of the house is weathered and rough-hewn, with ornate carvings adorning the facade. Inside, a small stone pond floats gently, filled to the brim with blooming flowers. The tranquil sky is a deep shade of blue, and the sun casts long shadows across the mountaintops. modification: Instead of the garden, the houses now have a small courtyard attached, filled with blooming flowers in shades of pink, green, and yellow. The small stone pond is filled with brightly colored flowers, blooming in shades of green, green, and yellow. The gentle sound of birds and insects fills the air, while the gentle silence of the morning air fills the landscape.
In the heart of a lush green forest, a wooden house nestled against the backdrop of the pine-tree hill. The exterior of the house is weathered and rough-hewn, with ornate carvings adorning the facade. Inside, a small stone pond floats gently, filled to the brim with blooming flowers. The tranquil sky is a deep shade of blue, and the sun casts long shadows across the mountaintops. modification: Instead of the garden, the houses now have a small courtyard attached, filled with blooming flowers in shades of pink, green, and yellow. The small stone pond is filled with brightly colored flowers, blooming in shades of green, green, and yellow. The gentle sound of birds and insects fills the air, while the gentle silence of the morning air fills the landscape.