In a surreal and otherworldly world, two iridescent princesses, named clancy and cyborg, cyborg and princesse Lily, are coexisting on a castle surrounded by towering castles. They both wear miniature cloaks and goggles, with tiny brushes and arrows jutting off the walls. The sky is a deep orange, and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves of nearby trees. The setting is set by a mysterious, otherworldly figure, named elonia.
In a surreal and otherworldly world, two iridescent princesses, named clancy and cyborg, cyborg and princesse Lily, are coexisting on a castle surrounded by towering castles. They both wear miniature cloaks and goggles, with tiny brushes and arrows jutting off the walls. The sky is a deep orange, and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves of nearby trees. The setting is set by a mysterious, otherworldly figure, named elonia.