Kamen Rider, a grasshopper-themed male tokusatsu superhero, slender, grasshopper helmet, brown hair, color: emerald green and black, red scarf, comic style art
Único-Diseño de Personajes
Velocista,Samurái de la Calle,Conductor Forajido
Foto de cuerpo entero
Sugerencia Negativa:
3d, bad art, bad artist, bad fan art, CGI, grainy, inaccurate, kitsch, lazy art, less creative, low-res, noise, photorealistic, poor detailing, realism, realistic, render, stacked background, stock image, stock photo, text, unprofessional, unsmooth
Kamen Rider, a grasshopper-themed male tokusatsu superhero, slender, grasshopper helmet, brown hair, color: emerald green and black, red scarf, comic style art
Único-Diseño de Personajes
Velocista,Samurái de la Calle,Conductor Forajido
Foto de cuerpo entero
Sugerencia Negativa:
3d, bad art, bad artist, bad fan art, CGI, grainy, inaccurate, kitsch, lazy art, less creative, low-res, noise, photorealistic, poor detailing, realism, realistic, render, stacked background, stock image, stock photo, text, unprofessional, unsmooth