The H-34 Mark 3 Gunship commonly referred to as either The Mark III or by the North Koreans and Vietnamese as The Angel of Death was a fictional armed gunship that was created by Sikorsky as a heavily armed counterpart to the H-34 Transport helicopter, that was created during the Korean War in 1950 on April 19th, when American Inventor Johnathan Gordan developed the Lock on Energy chip that was identified to be a fuse and specially designed chip that was placed inside the missile system which in turn when fired allowed the rocket to identify a target through lock on and home in on the bogey before neutralizing them, whether it was on the ground or in the air.
It was known to have served history in both the Korean War, and Vietnam War, but was bounced by the Mi-8 Gunships that were first used against them in the First American-Soviet War, which led to the destruction of the entire Mark-III Series and the birth of the UH-1 Gunships, that would eventually take over in place of the 34 thr
The H-34 Mark 3 Gunship commonly referred to as either The Mark III or by the North Koreans and Vietnamese as The Angel of Death was a fictional armed gunship that was created by Sikorsky as a heavily armed counterpart to the H-34 Transport helicopter, that was created during the Korean War in 1950 on April 19th, when American Inventor Johnathan Gordan developed the Lock on Energy chip that was identified to be a fuse and specially designed chip that was placed inside the missile system which in turn when fired allowed the rocket to identify a target through lock on and home in on the bogey before neutralizing them, whether it was on the ground or in the air.
It was known to have served history in both the Korean War, and Vietnam War, but was bounced by the Mi-8 Gunships that were first used against them in the First American-Soviet War, which led to the destruction of the entire Mark-III Series and the birth of the UH-1 Gunships, that would eventually take over in place of the 34 thr