In a surreal and otherworldly landscape, a young girl dressed in an ancient Egyptian costume stands in front of a deep blue sky, dressed in the ancient Greek god of sand and sea. The sky is a deep shade of purple, with the waves crashing against the shore. She wears a long coat and carries a small backpack, and her eyes light up with a curiosity about her appearance. Beneath her, the darkest, starry night fills the frame, as if the light has been heavy over the horizon.
In a surreal and otherworldly landscape, a young girl dressed in an ancient Egyptian costume stands in front of a deep blue sky, dressed in the ancient Greek god of sand and sea. The sky is a deep shade of purple, with the waves crashing against the shore. She wears a long coat and carries a small backpack, and her eyes light up with a curiosity about her appearance. Beneath her, the darkest, starry night fills the frame, as if the light has been heavy over the horizon.