"Create a captivating image depicting cosmic anomalies in a vibrant universe, showcasing a variety of unusual planets amidst a backdrop of swirling galaxies and stellar phenomena. At the center, illustrate a massive, glowing blue-black hole, warping space around it, with stars and light being drawn into its gravitational pull. Surrounding the black hole, include several unique planets: one planet should be a luminous gas giant with swirling colors of orange, purple, and teal, exhibiting giant storms and luminescent rings. Another planet can be rocky and covered in crystalline formations, sparkling under the light of nearby stars, giving it an otherworldly glow.
In the foreground, place a small, icy planet with a bluish hue, featuring strange patterns on its surface, hinting at a hidden ocean beneath the ice. A distant planet should be seen emitting a soft, green light, surrounded by a misty atmosphere filled with unusual floating flora that appears to thrive in the harsh conditions of space.
Add a nebula in the background, painted with vibrant colors of pink, blue, and yellow, its gaseous tendrils wrapping around the scene like cosmic smoke. Scatter bright stars and distant galaxies throughout the backdrop, enhancing the feeling of depth and the unknown. The overall composition should evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, highlighting the bizarre and beautiful aspects of the universe and its celestial bodies."
"Create a captivating image depicting cosmic anomalies in a vibrant universe, showcasing a variety of unusual planets amidst a backdrop of swirling galaxies and stellar phenomena. At the center, illustrate a massive, glowing blue-black hole, warping space around it, with stars and light being drawn into its gravitational pull. Surrounding the black hole, include several unique planets: one planet should be a luminous gas giant with swirling colors of orange, purple, and teal, exhibiting giant storms and luminescent rings. Another planet can be rocky and covered in crystalline formations, sparkling under the light of nearby stars, giving it an otherworldly glow.
In the foreground, place a small, icy planet with a bluish hue, featuring strange patterns on its surface, hinting at a hidden ocean beneath the ice. A distant planet should be seen emitting a soft, green light, surrounded by a misty atmosphere filled with unusual floating flora that appears to thrive in the harsh conditions of space.
Add a nebula in the background, painted with vibrant colors of pink, blue, and yellow, its gaseous tendrils wrapping around the scene like cosmic smoke. Scatter bright stars and distant galaxies throughout the backdrop, enhancing the feeling of depth and the unknown. The overall composition should evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, highlighting the bizarre and beautiful aspects of the universe and its celestial bodies."