In the heart of an ancient city, a towering elven metropolis comes to life, its towering structures and intricate lines capturing the viewer's attention. The camera zooms in on a vivid hue, bringing out the dazzling beauty of the scene. Amidst the chaos, a massive elven metropolis casts a stunning, yet profound image. The stark contrast between the rich, textured, and the stark contrast between the deep, untamed metropolis, this stunning spectacle is a testament to the elfic beauty, style, architecture and cultur along with the majestic power of urban fusion of the elves.
Sugerencia Negativa:
Exclude futuristic or modern city elements, classical columns, Roman domes, or gothic designs. No modern skyscrapers, steel or glass-heavy structures, or industrial influences. Avoid empty spaces and flat areas devoid of structures. Avoid Disney like style or Romantic pallace elements, as this must be pure elven style.
In the heart of an ancient city, a towering elven metropolis comes to life, its towering structures and intricate lines capturing the viewer's attention. The camera zooms in on a vivid hue, bringing out the dazzling beauty of the scene. Amidst the chaos, a massive elven metropolis casts a stunning, yet profound image. The stark contrast between the rich, textured, and the stark contrast between the deep, untamed metropolis, this stunning spectacle is a testament to the elfic beauty, style, architecture and cultur along with the majestic power of urban fusion of the elves.
Sugerencia Negativa:
Exclude futuristic or modern city elements, classical columns, Roman domes, or gothic designs. No modern skyscrapers, steel or glass-heavy structures, or industrial influences. Avoid empty spaces and flat areas devoid of structures. Avoid Disney like style or Romantic pallace elements, as this must be pure elven style.