The textile in the image is suspended from the ceiling in a woven pattern, alternating over and under wooden beams. The fabric strips are parallel to each other, running in one direction while being evenly spaced apart. They drape loosely, creating a gentle wave effect between the beams. The fabric is attached in a way that maintains consistent curves, resembling a checkerboard-like layout of intersecting wood and textile. This arrangement allows natural light to filter through, creating a combination of shaded and lit areas below
The textile in the image is suspended from the ceiling in a woven pattern, alternating over and under wooden beams. The fabric strips are parallel to each other, running in one direction while being evenly spaced apart. They drape loosely, creating a gentle wave effect between the beams. The fabric is attached in a way that maintains consistent curves, resembling a checkerboard-like layout of intersecting wood and textile. This arrangement allows natural light to filter through, creating a combination of shaded and lit areas below