In the heart of a bustling city, a student house with a white picket fence, large windows and vertical vegetation on the facade can be seen. The structure adapts to the historic building without changing its characteristics, with large windows offering a breathtaking view of the cityscape below. The windows are made of glass and the floor is covered with a collection of books and documents. The scene is set against the backdrop of the iconic buildings, where the campus is being built according to a legacy of ancient architecture. The central patio is alive with poeple reading and benches for relaxing.
Edificio,Día,Edificio de Residencias,Eclecticismo Italiano,Modernismo Vernáculo
In the heart of a bustling city, a student house with a white picket fence, large windows and vertical vegetation on the facade can be seen. The structure adapts to the historic building without changing its characteristics, with large windows offering a breathtaking view of the cityscape below. The windows are made of glass and the floor is covered with a collection of books and documents. The scene is set against the backdrop of the iconic buildings, where the campus is being built according to a legacy of ancient architecture. The central patio is alive with poeple reading and benches for relaxing.
Edificio,Día,Edificio de Residencias,Eclecticismo Italiano,Modernismo Vernáculo