In the heart of the underworld, a group of deaf ghosts, deaf witches, deaf vulture, and deaf villians gather around, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their flamboyant creature. there is 2 deaf ghost closest to the camera as if to greet the viewer, Everyone else is behind the 2 ghosts. Everyone is using sign langauge or tapping at each other. The sign reads "Deaf Club". Beneath the group, a large sign stands proudly, offering a glimpse of the deaf community below.
In the heart of the underworld, a group of deaf ghosts, deaf witches, deaf vulture, and deaf villians gather around, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their flamboyant creature. there is 2 deaf ghost closest to the camera as if to greet the viewer, Everyone else is behind the 2 ghosts. Everyone is using sign langauge or tapping at each other. The sign reads "Deaf Club". Beneath the group, a large sign stands proudly, offering a glimpse of the deaf community below.