A futuristic floating underground town inspired by Japanese cityscapes like in Evangelion. The town is suspended in a massive, dimly lit cavern, with interconnected buildings that blend modern and traditional architecture, some resembling sleek towers, others with pagoda-style roofs. Suspended bridges and walkways connect the structures, and neon signs glow softly, reflecting off metallic surfaces and water features scattered throughout. The cavern walls are adorned with high-tech machinery, glowing screens, and pipes running along the rocky surfaces, emphasizing a blend of fantasy and science fiction. The atmosphere is both serene and mysterious, with a hint of dystopia
A futuristic floating underground town inspired by Japanese cityscapes like in Evangelion. The town is suspended in a massive, dimly lit cavern, with interconnected buildings that blend modern and traditional architecture, some resembling sleek towers, others with pagoda-style roofs. Suspended bridges and walkways connect the structures, and neon signs glow softly, reflecting off metallic surfaces and water features scattered throughout. The cavern walls are adorned with high-tech machinery, glowing screens, and pipes running along the rocky surfaces, emphasizing a blend of fantasy and science fiction. The atmosphere is both serene and mysterious, with a hint of dystopia