In a mystical, dreamlike room inspired by the surrealist art of Leonora Carrington, planets, stars, and asteroids float and dance gracefully around a tiny black hole at the center. The black hole emits small sparks of light, adding a magical glow to the cosmic scene. A woman with the body of an owl stands in the room, holding the black hole delicately in her feathered hands. The atmosphere is otherworldly and fantastical, with the room itself adorned in celestial patterns, as if it exists between the realms of space and imagination
Ilustración-Fantasía Abstracta 15
Lente de Ángulo Ancho de Ultra Larga Distancia
In a mystical, dreamlike room inspired by the surrealist art of Leonora Carrington, planets, stars, and asteroids float and dance gracefully around a tiny black hole at the center. The black hole emits small sparks of light, adding a magical glow to the cosmic scene. A woman with the body of an owl stands in the room, holding the black hole delicately in her feathered hands. The atmosphere is otherworldly and fantastical, with the room itself adorned in celestial patterns, as if it exists between the realms of space and imagination
Ilustración-Fantasía Abstracta 15
Lente de Ángulo Ancho de Ultra Larga Distancia