An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, depicting a high school girl with a mischievous, aristocratic aura. She has long, wavy blonde hair that cascades elegantly, piercing blue eyes with a sly glint, and a confident smirk on her face. Her school uniform is slightly customized, with a luxurious ribbon or accessory that hints at her wealthy background. Her posture exudes self-assuredness, and her expression suggests she's hiding a playful or devious side. The background is softly blurred with warm lighting to keep the focus on her sharp, captivating features.
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, depicting a high school girl with a mischievous, aristocratic aura. She has long, wavy blonde hair that cascades elegantly, piercing blue eyes with a sly glint, and a confident smirk on her face. Her school uniform is slightly customized, with a luxurious ribbon or accessory that hints at her wealthy background. Her posture exudes self-assuredness, and her expression suggests she's hiding a playful or devious side. The background is softly blurred with warm lighting to keep the focus on her sharp, captivating features.