creating a magical portal to another world in its roots. The forest is lush and vibrant, forming spirals in its flow that resemble roots or vines. The background is a lush green forest., surrounded by a dense forest, as if it were falling into one end of a whirlpool. On top of that lies a magical portal, adding water elementals as part of the fantasy setting., the trunk is hollowed out like a Doric column. In its center, there's water cascading down from above, with vibrant colors
creating a magical portal to another world in its roots. The forest is lush and vibrant, forming spirals in its flow that resemble roots or vines. The background is a lush green forest., surrounded by a dense forest, as if it were falling into one end of a whirlpool. On top of that lies a magical portal, adding water elementals as part of the fantasy setting., the trunk is hollowed out like a Doric column. In its center, there's water cascading down from above, with vibrant colors