In a modern twist on The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's adventure takes place in a futuristic world called "Cyber Oz," where technology and social media dominate everything. Dorothy is a digital influencer who accidentally enters a virtual reality game due to a mishap with her smart assistant, Toto, a clever little AI robot. Along the way, she meets unconventional friends: the Tin Man, a robot searching for lost emotions; the Scarecrow, a former researcher turned obsolete who wants to become smarter; and the Cowardly Lion, a social media personality terrified of losing followers. Together, they face challenges, including the Wicked Witch of the West, a powerful tech mogul named Elvira Witch who commands a fleet of cyber-crows. They soon discover that true strength lies in human connection and authenticity, beyond the overbearing digital world.
In a modern twist on The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's adventure takes place in a futuristic world called "Cyber Oz," where technology and social media dominate everything. Dorothy is a digital influencer who accidentally enters a virtual reality game due to a mishap with her smart assistant, Toto, a clever little AI robot. Along the way, she meets unconventional friends: the Tin Man, a robot searching for lost emotions; the Scarecrow, a former researcher turned obsolete who wants to become smarter; and the Cowardly Lion, a social media personality terrified of losing followers. Together, they face challenges, including the Wicked Witch of the West, a powerful tech mogul named Elvira Witch who commands a fleet of cyber-crows. They soon discover that true strength lies in human connection and authenticity, beyond the overbearing digital world.