The image features two animated characters standing in a living room. On the left, a character with long dark hair tied back is wearing a red button-up shirt over a light blue top, paired with dark pants. They face another character who has short dark hair and wears a dark purple sweater with jeans. The background shows a light orange wall with a colorful mural of red and pink flowers and green leaves. To the right, a beige armchair is partially visible, and a wooden shelf holds a modern smart speaker device with a glowing gradient from purple to white. A small potted plant rests next to the device.
The image features two animated characters standing in a living room. On the left, a character with long dark hair tied back is wearing a red button-up shirt over a light blue top, paired with dark pants. They face another character who has short dark hair and wears a dark purple sweater with jeans. The background shows a light orange wall with a colorful mural of red and pink flowers and green leaves. To the right, a beige armchair is partially visible, and a wooden shelf holds a modern smart speaker device with a glowing gradient from purple to white. A small potted plant rests next to the device.