A futuristic, cyberpunk-inspired portrait of a humanoid figure with a partially robotic face, blending organic and synthetic elements. The Terminator-esque visage features a mix of human skin tones, with a metallic silver and dark grey robotic section covering the right eye, cheekbone, and part of the forehead, complete with glowing red optical sensors and intricate mechanical details. The human side of the face has a determined expression by the reference image. Ultrarealim, 4k, realistic
A futuristic, cyberpunk-inspired portrait of a humanoid figure with a partially robotic face, blending organic and synthetic elements. The Terminator-esque visage features a mix of human skin tones, with a metallic silver and dark grey robotic section covering the right eye, cheekbone, and part of the forehead, complete with glowing red optical sensors and intricate mechanical details. The human side of the face has a determined expression by the reference image. Ultrarealim, 4k, realistic