high tech building with a lot of white cladding with people inside and green areas and add some windows and green Areas and the project is in a city and roads with cars around it
,an artists impressio
Imagen Grande

an artists impression shows how a company's massive corporate building could look if it has been designed

Ahmed Hamdy
Renderizado de Bocetos v2
Estilo: Fotografía-Realista
Escena: Edificio,Edificio Comercial,Futurismo Urbano,Futurista 5
Modo: Estructura
Creatividad: 31
Perspectiva: Vista de Pájaro
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Más contenido similar

an artists impression shows how a company's massive corporate building could look if it has been designed

Ahmed Hamdy
Renderizado de Bocetos v2
Estilo: Fotografía-Realista
Escena: Edificio,Edificio Comercial,Futurismo Urbano,Futurista 5
Modo: Estructura
Creatividad: 31
Perspectiva: Vista de Pájaro
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