a stylized anime-inspired character in a nighttime urban setting. The character is a young woman with short black hair and cat ears, wearing a black leather outfit that includes a cropped top, a jacket, shorts, and thigh-high boots. The attire features metallic accents such as zippers and buckles, contributing to a futuristic or edgy aesthetic. The background suggests a city street with illuminated signage and a slightly blurred perspective, adding depth to the scene. The overall color palette combines dark tones with hints of neon lighting.
a stylized anime-inspired character in a nighttime urban setting. The character is a young woman with short black hair and cat ears, wearing a black leather outfit that includes a cropped top, a jacket, shorts, and thigh-high boots. The attire features metallic accents such as zippers and buckles, contributing to a futuristic or edgy aesthetic. The background suggests a city street with illuminated signage and a slightly blurred perspective, adding depth to the scene. The overall color palette combines dark tones with hints of neon lighting.