"A movie poster parody featuring an original superhero, Captain Selfie, a social media influencer superhero. The poster shows Captain Selfie striking a ridiculous pose, wearing a flashy, futuristic suit with a cape, while holding a smartphone and snapping a selfie mid-flight. His expression is exaggerated and goofy, with a giant smile. In the background, the villain Dr. Techno, a bumbling entrepreneur with a wild hairdo, is surrounded by malfunctioning robots. The vibrant background features neon colors and comical explosions, with the tagline ‘Saving the day... one selfie at a time!’ The movie title 'Captain Selfie: Hero of the Stream' is boldly displayed in an eye-catching font, capturing the absurdity and humor of a modern superhero with social media fame."
"A movie poster parody featuring an original superhero, Captain Selfie, a social media influencer superhero. The poster shows Captain Selfie striking a ridiculous pose, wearing a flashy, futuristic suit with a cape, while holding a smartphone and snapping a selfie mid-flight. His expression is exaggerated and goofy, with a giant smile. In the background, the villain Dr. Techno, a bumbling entrepreneur with a wild hairdo, is surrounded by malfunctioning robots. The vibrant background features neon colors and comical explosions, with the tagline ‘Saving the day... one selfie at a time!’ The movie title 'Captain Selfie: Hero of the Stream' is boldly displayed in an eye-catching font, capturing the absurdity and humor of a modern superhero with social media fame."