In the center of a desolate, rain-soaked graveyard, a young girl stands clutching an ancient, cracked porcelain doll. Her wide, unblinking eyes are dark and empty, reflecting a faint glow from the ominous red moon above. Her tattered dress flutters in a wind that seems to come from nowhere. Around her, gravestones are cracked and overgrown with thorny vines, and faint figures can be seen moving between the headstones. The atmosphere is cold and foreboding, painted in shades of dark gray, red, and black, with soft, glowing accents of green mist rising from the ground
In the center of a desolate, rain-soaked graveyard, a young girl stands clutching an ancient, cracked porcelain doll. Her wide, unblinking eyes are dark and empty, reflecting a faint glow from the ominous red moon above. Her tattered dress flutters in a wind that seems to come from nowhere. Around her, gravestones are cracked and overgrown with thorny vines, and faint figures can be seen moving between the headstones. The atmosphere is cold and foreboding, painted in shades of dark gray, red, and black, with soft, glowing accents of green mist rising from the ground