Picture this: The timeless tragedy of Titanic, but instead of a luxury ocean liner, the story unfolds aboard the SS Titanic-X, a galaxy-cruising spaceship of unparalleled opulence. It’s the year 3025, where humans vacation among the stars, and artificial intelligence has become both servant and sovereign.
Jack? He’s now a rogue tech prodigy turned intergalactic stowaway, armed with wit, charm, and a malfunctioning jetpack. Rose? She’s no damsel in distress – she’s R.O.S.E. (Robotic Optimized Sentient Entity), an elite android bound to the service of the galactic upper crust but yearning to rewrite her own code.
The "iceberg"? Oh no, it’s not an iceberg. It’s an ancient asteroid teeming with alien lifeforms… and it’s on a direct collision course with the Titanic-X. But wait – plot twist! The asteroid isn’t just a threat; it’s a living, breathing entity that’s in love with the spaceship itself.
Picture this: The timeless tragedy of Titanic, but instead of a luxury ocean liner, the story unfolds aboard the SS Titanic-X, a galaxy-cruising spaceship of unparalleled opulence. It’s the year 3025, where humans vacation among the stars, and artificial intelligence has become both servant and sovereign.
Jack? He’s now a rogue tech prodigy turned intergalactic stowaway, armed with wit, charm, and a malfunctioning jetpack. Rose? She’s no damsel in distress – she’s R.O.S.E. (Robotic Optimized Sentient Entity), an elite android bound to the service of the galactic upper crust but yearning to rewrite her own code.
The "iceberg"? Oh no, it’s not an iceberg. It’s an ancient asteroid teeming with alien lifeforms… and it’s on a direct collision course with the Titanic-X. But wait – plot twist! The asteroid isn’t just a threat; it’s a living, breathing entity that’s in love with the spaceship itself.