"Design a Fortnite-inspired character named 'Sylva', a woodland protector who blends with nature. She wears an intricate outfit made of natural elements such as leaves, vines, and wooden armor, with large, textured tree bark pieces adorning her shoulders and arms. Her hair is wild and full of forest flora, with small flowers and moss growing within it. She wields a bow made from a sturdy branch, with arrows tipped in glowing crystal that draw energy from the forest. The background is a lush, dense forest with towering trees, wooden trunks, and soft sunlight filtering through the canopy. Add an ethereal mist surrounding her, enhancing the mystical and earthy vibe of her connection to the forest."
"Design a Fortnite-inspired character named 'Sylva', a woodland protector who blends with nature. She wears an intricate outfit made of natural elements such as leaves, vines, and wooden armor, with large, textured tree bark pieces adorning her shoulders and arms. Her hair is wild and full of forest flora, with small flowers and moss growing within it. She wields a bow made from a sturdy branch, with arrows tipped in glowing crystal that draw energy from the forest. The background is a lush, dense forest with towering trees, wooden trunks, and soft sunlight filtering through the canopy. Add an ethereal mist surrounding her, enhancing the mystical and earthy vibe of her connection to the forest."