A surreal, dystopian brutalist cityscape under a pitch-black sky. Soviet-era buildings rise like monoliths, their jagged concrete exteriors cloaked in frost and snow. Each structure appears intentionally disorienting, with asymmetrical designs and unnaturally sharp edges. The streets below are eerily empty, blanketed in untouched snow, and strange, faint red lights glow from random windows, hinting at an unknown presence. The scene feels suffocating and enigmatic, the architecture itself appearing malevolent, as though it observes the viewer. The mood is unsettling and nightmarish, capturing the essence of terror and mystery.
A surreal, dystopian brutalist cityscape under a pitch-black sky. Soviet-era buildings rise like monoliths, their jagged concrete exteriors cloaked in frost and snow. Each structure appears intentionally disorienting, with asymmetrical designs and unnaturally sharp edges. The streets below are eerily empty, blanketed in untouched snow, and strange, faint red lights glow from random windows, hinting at an unknown presence. The scene feels suffocating and enigmatic, the architecture itself appearing malevolent, as though it observes the viewer. The mood is unsettling and nightmarish, capturing the essence of terror and mystery.