New York City,the skyline is full of cars and the building next to it has a glass roofed roof,grain plant,grain elevator,grain storage,brewery,new city hall,crematorium,biotechnology research institut
Imagen Grande

the skyline is full of cars and the building next to it has a glass roofed roof

พีระวัฒ บํารุงกิตติคุณ
Renderizado de Bocetos v2
Estilo: Fotografía-Realista
Escena: Edificio Público,Rascacielos,Monolítico Futurista
Modo: Estructura
Creatividad: 40
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the skyline is full of cars and the building next to it has a glass roofed roof

พีระวัฒ บํารุงกิตติคุณ
Renderizado de Bocetos v2
Estilo: Fotografía-Realista
Escena: Edificio Público,Rascacielos,Monolítico Futurista
Modo: Estructura
Creatividad: 40
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