Superhero inspired by Combusken, a bipedal, chicken-like Poke mon. This costume blends fiery red and orange fabrics with accents of yellow, reflecting its fiery fighting spirit. The design emphasizes muscularity and combat readiness, with padded armor and flame patterns. The boots and gloves are clawed, mimicking Combusken's powerful legs and sharp talons. Colors: red, orange, and yellow. Full body
Superhero inspired by Combusken, a bipedal, chicken-like Poke mon. This costume blends fiery red and orange fabrics with accents of yellow, reflecting its fiery fighting spirit. The design emphasizes muscularity and combat readiness, with padded armor and flame patterns. The boots and gloves are clawed, mimicking Combusken's powerful legs and sharp talons. Colors: red, orange, and yellow. Full body