Superheroine inspired by Kaguya-hime, the moon princess from Japanese folklore. Her full-body suit shimmers with a celestial light, woven from lunar materials that grant her ethereal grace and agility. The suit is resistant to earthly harm, reflecting the untouchable mystery of her legend. Her presence commands the tides of battle, and her touch can bestow peace or inflict lunacy. Her fan, once a simple accessory, now channels the cold, enigmatic power of the moon. Colors: ethereal silver, regal violet, and stardust white, full body.
Superheroine inspired by Kaguya-hime, the moon princess from Japanese folklore. Her full-body suit shimmers with a celestial light, woven from lunar materials that grant her ethereal grace and agility. The suit is resistant to earthly harm, reflecting the untouchable mystery of her legend. Her presence commands the tides of battle, and her touch can bestow peace or inflict lunacy. Her fan, once a simple accessory, now channels the cold, enigmatic power of the moon. Colors: ethereal silver, regal violet, and stardust white, full body.