Superhero inspired by the Rainbow Crow, a creature of stunning beauty from Lenape legend. His full-body suit is adorned with feathers that refract light, creating dazzling displays of color that can disorient foes or communicate complex messages. The suit enables flight and protects him from extreme temperatures, as he once carried fire to save his kin. His melodic voice can mimic any sound, and his vibrant plumage is said to carry healing properties. Colors: prism rainbow, flame orange, and sky blue, full body.
Superhero inspired by the Rainbow Crow, a creature of stunning beauty from Lenape legend. His full-body suit is adorned with feathers that refract light, creating dazzling displays of color that can disorient foes or communicate complex messages. The suit enables flight and protects him from extreme temperatures, as he once carried fire to save his kin. His melodic voice can mimic any sound, and his vibrant plumage is said to carry healing properties. Colors: prism rainbow, flame orange, and sky blue, full body.