Superhero inspired by Aladdin, reimagined as a master of aerial agility and cunning. His full-body suit is inspired by Arabian nights, with swirling sand patterns and jewel tones. Equipped with a high-tech, flying carpet-themed glider, he soars through the skies with ease. His lamp, now a compact source of holographic technology, can project illusions to outsmart his enemies. Colors: tan, sapphire blue, and amber, full body.
Superhero inspired by Aladdin, reimagined as a master of aerial agility and cunning. His full-body suit is inspired by Arabian nights, with swirling sand patterns and jewel tones. Equipped with a high-tech, flying carpet-themed glider, he soars through the skies with ease. His lamp, now a compact source of holographic technology, can project illusions to outsmart his enemies. Colors: tan, sapphire blue, and amber, full body.