Vectra was once a daring aviator named Avery Skylar, known for her skills as a pilot and her fascination with insects, particularly dragonflies. During a high-altitude research mission, Avery encountered a mysterious, glowing Yanma in a remote jungle. The Yanma, sensing her kindred spirit, bestowed upon her a fragment of its essence, transforming Avery into Vectra, a superheroine with extraordinary abilities.
Vectra was once a daring aviator named Avery Skylar, known for her skills as a pilot and her fascination with insects, particularly dragonflies. During a high-altitude research mission, Avery encountered a mysterious, glowing Yanma in a remote jungle. The Yanma, sensing her kindred spirit, bestowed upon her a fragment of its essence, transforming Avery into Vectra, a superheroine with extraordinary abilities.