In the midst of a vast, surreal landscape, a group of colorful animals gather around a colossal formation. The earth snakes its way through the air, its cries echoing through the trees and buildings. In the distance, a massive, surreal monster rapts up, its scales and lines contrasting against the otherworldly landscape. This is the beginning of the great-familiar and stunning masterpiece, the famous monument to the renowned artist Dr. Franz Kafka.
In the midst of a vast, surreal landscape, a group of colorful animals gather around a colossal formation. The earth snakes its way through the air, its cries echoing through the trees and buildings. In the distance, a massive, surreal monster rapts up, its scales and lines contrasting against the otherworldly landscape. This is the beginning of the great-familiar and stunning masterpiece, the famous monument to the renowned artist Dr. Franz Kafka.