A surreal and captivating scene of a unique individual, dubbed "Xray-man," walking leisurely down a bustling street. Xray-man is an intriguing character, seemingly transparent and glowing, with bones and internal organs visible. He casually chews gum as he strolls, oblivious to the curious stares and whispers of the onlookers around him. The background is populated by a diverse crowd, their eyes wide with a mix of suspicion, intrigue, and curiosity. The atmosphere is a blend of ordinary street life and extraordinary, unexplained phenomena.
A surreal and captivating scene of a unique individual, dubbed "Xray-man," walking leisurely down a bustling street. Xray-man is an intriguing character, seemingly transparent and glowing, with bones and internal organs visible. He casually chews gum as he strolls, oblivious to the curious stares and whispers of the onlookers around him. The background is populated by a diverse crowd, their eyes wide with a mix of suspicion, intrigue, and curiosity. The atmosphere is a blend of ordinary street life and extraordinary, unexplained phenomena.