An ancient goddess, possessing immense power and knowledge, inadvertently transported to a parallel universe after a space voyage. Stranded on 21st century Earth with primitive technology, she navigates her way back home using his wit and expertise. Tasked with the challenge of returning without altering human history, she encounters a world in flux, grappling with various struggles and inequities. Her odyssey unfolds against a backdrop of moral quandaries and a quest to locate a companion aiding her cosmic journey.
An ancient goddess, possessing immense power and knowledge, inadvertently transported to a parallel universe after a space voyage. Stranded on 21st century Earth with primitive technology, she navigates her way back home using his wit and expertise. Tasked with the challenge of returning without altering human history, she encounters a world in flux, grappling with various struggles and inequities. Her odyssey unfolds against a backdrop of moral quandaries and a quest to locate a companion aiding her cosmic journey.