In a lush green meadow, a cheerful GIRL is drawn in motion, its curves and angles captured in stunning blending of horse-drawn lines. To the side, the GIRL is drawn, drawn in a gentle, carefree motion. The hand at the right pushes the GIRL to the goal, the hands up right, ready to hug it up. The sketch is done in perfectly captured ink and detail, capturing every intricate detail of the girl's expression and features.
In a lush green meadow, a cheerful GIRL is drawn in motion, its curves and angles captured in stunning blending of horse-drawn lines. To the side, the GIRL is drawn, drawn in a gentle, carefree motion. The hand at the right pushes the GIRL to the goal, the hands up right, ready to hug it up. The sketch is done in perfectly captured ink and detail, capturing every intricate detail of the girl's expression and features.